Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trump Bombs Aleppo Mosque, Sparking Exactly Zero Emergency Protests from ‘Anti-War’ Forces

Over 50 Syrians were killed by U.S. airstrikes on a mosque in Aleppo governate last night and how have ‘anti-war’ forces responded?
Ex-journalist Max Blumenthal couldn’t be bothered to Tweet about it.
Stop the War Coalition has yet to condemn it.
Not one emergency protest has been called by the forces who went into overdrive to stop a U.S. military strike on Bashar al-Assad’s regime in 2013.
Workers World Party — which brought a “U.S. Out of Everywhere Banner” to troll Syrian first responders known as White Helmets — isn’t calling on people to march on Trump Tower over this atrocity.
Ignoring Assad’s massacres for years has finally given way to ignoring Trump’s massacres — all in the name of being ‘anti war’ and ‘anti imperialist.’ Hard to mobilize solidarity for people (Muslims) you’ve spent half a decade slandering as ‘terrorists,’ ‘jihadists,’ and ‘al-Qaeda supporters.’

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