Saturday, January 14, 2017

Journalists and Activists Appeal for a Kurdish-Kurdish Negotiation in Syria

A group of Kurdish journalists and activists released a statement and appealed for a Kurdish-Kurdish negotiation concerned about the latest updates on the local and territorial sides.
After what the political, international agendas and territorial games have secreted on the Syrian soil by killing, destroying, displacing and migrating, and led to a Russian, Turkish and Iranian closure via a plot between the international powers which aims to push the situation towards an impossible closure to achieve the goals of the revolutionary movement and the military solution to end the conflict in #Syria, and trying to find exists toward the political solution for the Syrian crisis, the Kurdish sides in Kurdistan Syria must read the scene beginning from the national interests to assure the existence of the Kurdish case as part of the Syrian future equation through a group of general principles which we (group of writers, journalists and activists) consider if it is achieved and the concerned parties approved it, its results will be considered as a united Kurdish political view in front of the common opinion, whether the international opinion or the national.

1- Reject all kinds of violence, conflicts, and referring to the logic of power, and depend on the power of logic and respect the political and party pluralism, in addition to rejection of political detention as mechanisms to build bridges of communication and dialogue.

2- Save the relations between Kurdish and Syrian democratic political powers sides on the base of acknowledging and mutual respect.

3- Confirmation on the humanitarian inclusion for the Kurdish case built on the mutual respect, and depend of the equality and real cooperation logic in the rights, without being pushed towards the reflect actions’ mazes that could be secreted by chauvinism politics, in addition to the racism speech coming from the denouncement and expel culture carried out by some powers and bodies and political characters on the Syrian scene, which could result kind of conflicts and expanding the ditch between the Syrian components.

4- Reject the culture of plotting and accusing the others for collaboration and prevent it in the Kurdish body.

5- Refrain all the media war and releasing irresponsible statements that could lead to expand the conflict ditch between the political parties and cause to halt all the closure initiative, through depending the logic of negotiation and allow the media institutions to work by the ethical charter of media.

6- Call all the Kurdish political sides to deal with the people according to the human interest in secure and security and live with dignity and freedom.

7- Activating all the roles of the civil society organization and civil peace committees gather all the independent national characters and opinion viewers and the independent youth organizations and join them in the resolution production center to play an active role in confirming the principles of conciliation, Justice and coexistence between all the components.

8- Transforming all the security and intelligence organization on the soil to a cooperation power consists all the society’s components and set to be independent in its management, without interfering in the politics and away from the partial agendas, and brief its mission in protecting the civilians and general security inside its held areas.

9- Calling all the Kurdish sides in Kurdistan Syria to unite the speech and begin from the joint view regarding the Kurdish people demands through forming a joint management between all the political sides based on the qualifications and integrity, to form the main gate and cut the road in front of the agendas that could destroy our political and social unity with all its forms and terms.

10- Calling all the Kurdish political components (Kurdish national council in Syria, Democratic social movement “Tev-Dem”, Kurdish national coalition in Syria, Kurdish progressive democratic Party in Syria) to an open negotiation through sitting on an open table far away from the agendas, to negotiate all the stuck cases and vanish the conflict by a Kurdish-international sponsorship, if available.

We, the signatures, consider this call as a direct message to all the announced sides, wishing to comment or respond to our appeal.

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