Sunday, June 25, 2017

- US-Led Coalition Commits A Massacre In #Raqqa :

Raqqa (IRW) – 10 Civilians were reported killed on Saturday when the US-Led Coalition carried out airstrikes over #Ramila neighborhood northeastern #Raqqa city, leading to destroy several buildings in the neighborhood and injure others.

Moreover, the US-Led Coalition carried out airstrikes over Edikhar neighborhood northwestern the city and Euphrates River shores.

Meanwhile, the city’s neighborhoods witnessed shelling by the US-Led Coalition’s howitzers, simultaneously while clashes were running between ISIS and SDF.

On Friday, SDF bombarded Seif Al-Dawla, Tawsiya and Edikhar neighborhoods, in addition to bombarding Jazra crossing road and Mansour street, without any information received about casualties or injuries, as the city witnessing a wave of flee.

Noteworthy that SDF announced that it could siege ISIS inside Raqqa city, 2 weeks later after launching the battles in the city.

The #Syrian_democratic_forces SDF announced on late Friday that its forces storming Raqqa city from the east side met with their counterparts who stormed the city from the west side.

1 comment:

- نزوح كبير للمدنيين من مناطق قسد في دير الزور إلى الشمال السوري

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