Thursday, September 21, 2017

- Statistic: Dozens of Airstrikes Hit Idleb Countryside During the Last 24 Hours

Idleb (IRW) - The countryside of Idlib and has been subjected to more than 90 airstrikes and rocket attacks on vital and civilian centers and infrastructures, hospitals and residential neighborhoods within the last 24 hours.

The bombardment targeted three hospitals in Khan Shiekhoun, Kafrnbel and al-Teh, as well as the three civil defense centers in the cites mentioned and the town of Altmanah.

Two schools in the towns of Marzita and al-Habit were also hit by two airstrikes, first strike caused one civilian and one woman to be killed, and five members of the civil defense were wounded in the second strike.

Among the areas targeted by the bombing of the aircraft was the town of Tel-mnes by 6 raids, additional three on the towns of jerganaz, Nqair and the city of Khan Sheikhun, 9 raids hit the town of Altmanah.

Meanwhile, the Civil Defense pointed to the existence of material losses in its vehicles and ambulances in addition to material damage to the residential neighborhoods of the towns and villages, as a result of the continuous shelling.

the Directorate of Education of the Syrian interim government suspended on Tuesday three educational complexes in three areas south of Idlib, following air and artillery strikes by the regime forces and Russia.

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