Wednesday, September 13, 2017

- Syrian Refugees Detained Randomly In Arsal

The Lebanese army and military police detained on early Tuesday several Syrian refugees in Arsal town on the Syrian – Lebanese borders.

Local sources told Qasioun News Agency that army troops were deployed in Raas Al-Sarj area till the main square in the town and asked for the IDs on the checkpoints.

The sources added that the army detained on Monday at least 30 Syrian refugees, in addition to confiscating 8 vehicles owned by Syrians, and 50 motorbikes, as they claim that the owners have no verified or official papers for owning them, the sources said that the confiscations were random and without checking the papers.

Noteworthy that Lebanese army are launching detention campaigns against Syrian refugees in the area from time to time, and forced most of them to head towards Idlib, accompanied by members from Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham HTS after the latest agreement between both sides.

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