Monday, August 14, 2017

- A Massacre In Raqqa Made By US-Led Coalition And SDF

- #Raqqa (IRW) - Ten civilians were killed and others wounded on Sunday by artillery and aerial bombardment on the neighborhoods of the city of Raqqa by the US-led Coalition and SDF.

This came in conjunction with the battles between the state and ISIS on the outskirts of neighborhoods Al Rawdah, Diriyah, Barid) in the city of Raqqa, with artillery shelling and missile exchange, and aerial bombardment by the US-led Alliance

In the past 48 hours, the city has been subjected to 88 air strikes, in addition to hundreds of artillery shells from SDF.

It is noteworthy that the Syrian Democratic forces control more than 50% of the city of Raqqa, since the start of the military operation on June 6 last year.

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