Saturday, January 20, 2018

- Cold Souls ..

 Cold Souls ..
I know few things to be true
I'm still a child but bold
I don't know where I'm going
In #Syria ..I think all told
Been accompanied with mum .
walked out together, felt cold
Mum asks you hungry?
I drop eyes, answer untold
Let us sleep here, mum says
Strange but now our stronghold
See! the white moon shines on high;
I look up, the sky is black like cold
Hollow Lands gazing at us
Please no! under there water-mold
Hey, I'm not afraid of that, whilst,
Snow slaps my face the gold..
Cold has cut us deep
warmth itself can't withhold
I now see glimpses of death
Eyes open, yet blindfold
Permanent frost has become us
Don't even feel our foothold
Together and so alone,
have become eternally cold ..
Dad' arms around us both,
Oh darling.. you grew old !
Been always waiting for you.
You're in heaven ! please uphold
Daddy ! if you love us
Why not you called !
Thank God my dear,
No bombs falling no cold
Freedom for all down there
Pray the graves criminals enfold
Let the whole world in hellfire melt
when Syrians at borders die of cold..
- By Adam Nahhass , January 20 , 2018

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